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Order Horse Show Videos

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- Horse show videos can ONLY be previewed at our Event Trailer or by appointment at our studios in Stockton, NJ.  ALL VIDEO PREVIEWING IS CURRENTLY SUSPENDED DUE TO COVID-19.


- Videos may be reviewed with your trainer at our trailer for a fee. 

- All horse show videos are large HD files.


How do I get my video?

Emailed = Receive a link to download your video directly to your computer. These files are large and need room on your computer to download. These large files may not be downloaded onto a mobile device. -  $65.00


YouTube = We will upload your video to our Paws and Rewind YouTube channel where it will remain forever. We will send you the direct link. You may share the link as you wish. - $55.00

To confirm that we recorded your round and to request a video order form, please contact us at
Please include the name of the show and the name and date of the class in your inquiry.
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