Side Saddle Clinics

Gail DiScipio has worked with more sidesaddle riders than any other instructor in the U.S. She has given lessons and clinics in the Northeast, the Midwest and Canada; her students can be found showing, hunting, participating in the dressage arena, and riding aside for pleasure. She has been the featured clinician at Equine Affaire New England, Camp Leaping Horn in NJ, NEA Sidesaddle Association events, and for Sidesaddle Success full-service clinics. Gail earned her certificate from the British Horse Society in England, has worked on the Grand Prix Jumping Circuit in Europe, hunted aside with Nashoba Valley Hounds, and has both ridden and shown a wide array of breeds in the U.S. She emphasizes the sidesaddle's use as an equipment option for the contemporary equestrienne, seeing it as a tool that can enhance a rider's skills and accomplishments.

Sue Tobin pioneered the position of Sidesaddle Technician, which includes the selection, fitting and adaptation of sidesaddles for a successful horse and rider team. Her years of riding aside and renovating sidesaddles has led to a unique understanding of how saddle fit relates to rider accomplishment. She has worked as a consultant to major museums, written for publications here and abroad, and been a speaker at numerous equine events. Her business, Sidesaddle Heaven, comprises sales as well as the country's largest personal collection of saddles, habits and books on sidesaddle riding. Sue maintains a string of user-friendly sidesaddles specifically for clinic use, and has been delighted to offer her saddle fitting expertise to Camp Leaping Horn in NJ as well as numerous other sidesaddle activities.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to ride side saddle? Here’s your opportunity to try!
Come along and Have-A-Go with one of our horses!
Instructor Gail DiScipio, and saddle fitter Sue Tobin will fit side saddles to our horses. Riders will learn proper posture and the basics of how to get their horses going side saddle.
Lunch will be provided. Have-A-Go participants are welcome to audit the afternoon.